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En octubre de 2020, jóvenes líderes de todo el mundo se reunirán en un espacio virtual para desarrollar, crear y destacar soluciones innovadoras en respuesta al Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 13 de la ONU: Acción climática .

Organizado por YMCA de San Francisco, en asociación con:


7 - 9 June 2021

The pandemic is having a devastating impact on young people’s livelihoods and employment prospects.


There is a real risk of a lost generation. 


The Youth-Led Solutions Summit: The Future of Work will empower young people with knowledge about how the world of work is changing, the importance of agility, and the SDGs on decent work. The Summit will also build young people's understanding of employment pathways, skills, innovations, entrepreneurship opportunities, and impacting systems change, focussing on three economies – the green economy, the care economy, and the creative economy. 


Post-Summit, young leaders will be called to come together in teams to design solutions - or create new innovative opportunities - in these economies leveraging technology, newfound knowledge, networks and experiences.

El enfoque principal de la cumbre inaugural de soluciones dirigidas por jóvenes es el ODS 13: Acción por el clima .


La cumbre también explorará la interseccionalidad del ODS 13 y otros ODS.

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